Multi-Age Preschool is flexible. Parents choose the days their children will attend. Classes are offered 8-11am and 12:15-3:15pm and include structured activities geared to children with 3- or 4-year-old developmental abilities. Children are taught by ability instead of age and may attend one to four mornings or afternoons per week.
Based on your child’s ability, your child will be introduced to the following skills to be practiced for mastery:
- Identify self as a child of God
- Identify and write name
- Identify numbers to 20
- Identify 10 colors
- Identify shapes
- Identify uppercase and some lowercase letters
- Use scissors carefully
- Hold pencil correctly
- Develop a growing attention span
- Work cooperatively in small groups
- Classroom routines/follow directions
- Beginning Spanish and music skills
Based on your child’s ability, your child will work on the following Social Skills for mastery:
- Sharing/Taking Turns
- Conflict Resolution
- Manners
- Respect for Authority
- Separate from parents
- Self-help skills