Gather. Grow. Go.

Welcome to Peace!

If you stopped here, you’re probably asking what we believe – what kind of church are we?

First and foremost, we are Christian. That means we believe in the one true God who reveals Himself in the Bible to be triune – the Holy Trinity. That means He is one God in three persons:

  • God Father, the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists.
  • God the Son, Jesus Christ, who became a human being for our sakes. Because we have rebelled against our Creator (what the Bible calls ‘sin’), we do not deserve the life that He gives us. Yet because of His great love for us, He sent His Son to save us: Jesus was born for us, He lived for us, He died for us, He rose again for us and He is one day coming back for us. By His saving work on the cross, He paid the price for all of our sins, once and for all. In Him, you are forgiven.
  • God the Holy Spirit, who creates and grows faith through God’s Word and Sacraments.

Secondarily, we are Lutheran. This means that, like the 16th century church reformer Martin Luther, we believe that:

  • People are saved sola gratia – by grace alone and not by works.
  • People receive that grace sola fide – by faith alone in Jesus Christ and not by some secret teaching.
  • God reveals to everyone His plan of salvation sola scriptura – through Scripture (the Bible) alone and not by any special revelation to just one person.

Finally, we are affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS denomination (organization of churches) believes that the Bible is the Word of God inerrant and inspired, and is the source and norm of our faith. We also hold the Lutheran Confessions to be a faithful exposition of Scripture and what we believe. For more information on the LCMS, you can visit

So take your time, look around, and watch a service online. But then come and worship with us – we can’t wait to meet you!