Click the image above to watch a 3D rendering video of the solar project at Peace Lutheran School in Saginaw Township.
Peace Lutheran School is moving forward with the installation of a 150kW solar array on our Lawndale Campus, at the corner of Shattuck and Lawndale roads in Saginaw Township.
For many years, Peace has sought a green energy solution for our school building. This project is the first of its kind in the township, and we have been working very closely with township officials to ensure this solar array meets all the requirements of its solar ordinance, as well as making it an attractive addition to our grounds, neighborhood and community.
The cost of utilities continues to rise. We at Peace seek to reduce the impact of utility costs on our budget, while also continuing to be good stewards of God’s resources. This solar array will help Peace offset a sizable portion of the school building’s energy needs, as well as provide a green solution to help us do our part in protecting the environment. In fact, it is estimated that Peace could save up to $750,000 over the next 25 years as we supplement our energy needs with solar, with savings expected within the first year of operation.
Peace is planning to install the array in its stormwater detention basin located at the southwest corner of our property. This location was chosen for a variety of reasons:
- Makes use of an area that is unusable to Peace for any other function
- Allows the solar array to sit lower compared to the surrounding ground level
- Allows Peace to continue using other areas on the property for playgrounds, athletic fields and future additions, such as a new sanctuary (located in the southeast corner of the property)
Joel Keup, Peace Director of Facilities and Security, has been a lead on this project. “It is a great opportunity to use the resources God has given us to serve as good stewards of His Earth and the finances that He blesses us with,” he said.
To accomplish this, Peace has partnered with Sun FundED a company that works with investors to take advantage of tax credits, which helps fund the project. Peace reaps the benefits of less-expensive energy and the blessing of being paid for energy production overages.